vice.milkyway.smoothing ======================= Type : real number Default : 0.0 The outflow smoothing in Gyr (Johnson & Weinberg 2020 [1]_). This is the timescale on which the star formation rate is time-averaged before determining the outflow rate via the mass loading factor (attribute ``eta``). For an outflow rate :math:`\dot{M}_\text{out}` and a star formation rate :math:`\dot{M}_\star` with a smoothing time :math:`\tau_\text{s}`: .. math:: \dot{M}_\text{out} = \eta(t) \langle\dot{M}_\star\rangle_{\tau_\text{s}} The traditional relationship of :math:`\dot{M}_\text{out} = \eta\dot{M}_\star` is recovered when the user specifies a smoothing time that is smaller than the timestep size. .. note:: While this parameter time-averages the star formation rate, it does NOT time-average the mass-loading factor. Example Code ------------ >>> import vice >>> mw = vice.milkyway(name = "example") >>> mw.smoothing = 0.0 >>> mw.smoothing = 0.5 >>> mw.smoothing = 1.0 .. [1] Johnson & Weinberg (2020), MNRAS, 498, 1364