vice.multizone.from_output ========================== Obtain an instance of the ``multizone`` class given either the path to an output of a ``multioutput`` object itself. **Signature**: vice.multizone.from_output(arg) .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 Parameters ---------- arg : ``str`` or ``multioutput`` The full or relative path to the output directory; the '.vice' extension is not necessary. Alternatively, an output object. Returns ------- mz : ``multizone`` A ``multizone`` object with the same parameters as the one which produced the output. .. note:: ``multizone`` simulations by default save a copy of their attributes with their output, a feature which makes this function possible. If the user calls the ``run`` function with the keyword argument ``pickle = False``, the necessary files to reconstruct the simulation will not be produced. In this case, this function will return a ``multizone`` object with the default parameters. Raises ------ * TypeError - ``arg`` is neither a ``multioutput`` object nor a string. * IOError [Only occurs if the output has been altered] - The output is missing files * UserWarning - Attributes were not saved with the output at user's request, and the default ``multizone`` object will be returned. Notes ----- .. note:: If arg is either a ``singlezone`` output or an ``output`` object, a ``singlezone`` object will be returned. .. note:: This function serving as the reader, the writer is the vice.core.multizone._multizone.c_multizone.pickle function, implemented in Cython_. .. _Cython: Example Code ------------ >>> import numpy as np >>> import vice >>> vice.multizone(name = "example", n_zones = 3) >>>, 10, 1001)) >>> mz = vice.multizone.from_output("example") >>> mz vice.multizone{ name -----------> example n_zones --------> 3 n_stars --------> 1 verbose --------> False simple ---------> False zones ----------> ['zone0', 'zone1', 'zone2'] migration ------> Stars: ISM: MigrationMatrix{ 0 ---------> {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} 1 ---------> {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} 2 ---------> {0.0, 0.0, 0.0} } }