vice.output.history =================== Type : ``dataframe`` The dataframe read in via vice.history with the same name as this output. .. seealso:: vice.history Example Code ------------ >>> import vice >>> example = vice.output("example") >>> example.history["time"][100] 1.0 >>> example.history vice.dataframe{ time -----------> 1.0 mgas -----------> 5795119000.0 mstar ----------> 2001106000.0 sfr ------------> 2.897559 ifr ------------> 9.1 ofr ------------> 7.243899 eta_0 ----------> 2.5 r_eff ----------> 0.3534769 z_in(fe) -------> 0.0 z_in(sr) -------> 0.0 z_in(o) --------> 0.0 z_out(fe) ------> 0.0002769056 z_out(sr) ------> 3.700754e-09 z_out(o) -------> 0.001404602 mass(fe) -------> 1604701.0 mass(sr) -------> 21.44631 mass(o) --------> 8139837.0 z(fe) ----------> 0.0002769056166059748 z(sr) ----------> 3.700754031107903e-09 z(o) -----------> 0.0014046022178319376 [fe/h] ---------> -0.6682579454664828 [sr/h] ---------> -1.1074881208001155 [o/h] ----------> -0.6098426789720387 [sr/fe] --------> -0.43923017533363273 [o/fe] ---------> 0.05841526649444406 [o/sr] ---------> 0.4976454418280768 z --------------> 0.0033582028978416337 [m/h] ----------> -0.6200211036287412 lookback -------> 9.0 }