vice.toolkit.J21_sf_law.molecular_index ======================================= Type : float Default : 0.5 The power-law index on the time-dependence of the molecular gas star formation efficiency timescale. The normalization will be set such that the value at :math:`t` = 12 Gyr is equal to the value of the attribute ``present_day_molecular``. .. note:: The default value is chosen based on the redshift dependence of :math:`\tau_\text{mol}` reported by Tacconi et al. (2018) [1]_ and a redshift-time relation accurate for :math:`z \lesssim 3`. See discussion in section 2 of Johnson et al. (2021) [2]_. Example Code ------------ >>> import vice >>> mw = vice.milkyway(name = "example") >>> mw.zones[0].tau_star.molecular_index 0.5 >>> for i in range(mw.n_zones): >>> mw.zones[i].tau_star.molecular_index = 0.6 >>> mw.zones[0].tau_star.molecular_index 0.6 .. [1] Tacconi et al. (2018), ApJ, 853, 179 .. [2] Johnson et al. (2021), MNRAS, 508, 4484