vice.toolkit.hydrodisk.hydrodiskstars.analog_data ================================================= Type : dataframe The star particle data from the hydrodynamical simulation. The following keys map to the following data: - id: The IDs of each star particle - tform: The time the star particle formed in Gyr - rform: The radius the star particle formed at in kpc - rfinal: The radius the star particle ended up at in kpc - zform: The disk midplane distance in kpc at the time of formation. - zfinal: The disk midplane distance in kpc at the end of the simulation - vrad: The radial velocity of the star particle at the end of the simulation in km/sec - vphi: The azimuthal velocity of the star particle at the end of the simulation in km/sec - vz: The velocity perpendicular to the disk midplane at the end of the simulation in km/sec - decomp: An integer denoting which kinematic subclass the star particle belongs to (1: thin disk, 2: thick disk, 3: bulge, 4: pseudobulge, 5: halo). Example Code ------------ >>> from vice.toolkit.hydrodisk import hydrodiskstars >>> import numpy as np >>> example = hydrodiskstars(np.linspace(0, 20, 81)) >>> example.analog_data.keys() ['id', 'tform', 'rform', 'rfinal', 'zfinal', 'vrad', 'vphi', 'vz'] >>> example.analog_data["rfinal"][:10] [2.0804, 14.9953, 2.2718, 15.1236, 2.3763, 0.9242, 9.0908, 0.1749, 8.415, 20.1452]