vice.yields.ccsne.engines.E16.mu4 ================================= Type : ``list`` [elements of type ``float``] The quantity :math:`\mu_4` at the time of core collapse for stars with ZAMS masses given by the attribute ``masses``. :math:`\mu_4` is defined as the normalized mass derivative in a region defined by the dimensionless energy per nucleon of :math:`s` = 4: .. math:: \mu_4 \equiv (dm/M_\odot)/(dr/1000 km)|_{s = 4} Ertl et al. (2016) [1]_ conclude that the quantities :math:`M_4` and :math:`\mu_4` can predict whether or not a massive star will produce a core collapse supernova based on the following criterion with only a few exceptions (~1 - 2.5%): .. math:: \mu_4 \leq a M_4 \mu_4 + b where they report :math:`a` = 0.283 and :math:`b` = 0.043 as best fit values. The values of :math:`a` and :math:`b` are controlled by the attributes ``slope`` and ``intercept``, respectively. .. note:: This attribute's values are adopted from Sukhbold et al. (2016) [2]_. Example Code ------------ >>> from vice.yields.ccsne.engines import E16 >>> E16.mu4 [1.79891e-05, 0.000933825, 0.00210795, ..., 0.0896075, 0.103897, 0.0759102] .. [1] Ertl et al. (2016), ApJ, 818, 124 .. [2] Sukhbold et al. (2016), ApJ, 821, 38