vice.yields.sneia.fractional ============================ Calculate a delay-time distribution integrated fractional nucleosynthetic yield of a given element from type Ia supernovae. **Signature**: vice.yields.sneia.fractional(element, study = "seitenzahl13", model = "N1", n = 2.2e-03) Parameters ---------- element : ``str`` [case-insensitive] The symbol of the element to calculate the yield for. study : ``str`` [case-sensitive] [default : "seitenzahl13"] A keyword denoting which study to adopt SN Ia mass yields from. Keywords and their Associated Studies: - "seitenzahl13" : Seitenzahl et al. (2013) [1]_ - "iwamoto99" : Iwamoto et al. (1999), [2]_ - "gronow21" : Gronow et al. (2021a, b) [3]_ [4]_ model : ``str`` [case-insensitive] [default : "N1"] The model from the associated study to adopt. Keywords and their Associated Models: - "seitenzahl13" : N1, N3, N5, N10, N20, N40, N100H, N100, N100L, N150, N200, N300C, N1600, N1600C, N100_Z0.5, N100_Z0.1, N100_Z0.01 - "iwamoto99" : W7, W70, WDD1, WDD2, WDD3, CDD1, CDD2 - | "gronow21" : M08_03_001, M08_03_01, M08_03_1, M08_03_3, | M08_05_001, M08_05_01, M08_05_1, M08_05_3, | M08_10_001, M08_10_01, M08_10_1, M08_10_3, | M09_03_001, M09_03_01, M09_03_1, M09_03_3, | M09_05_001, M09_05_01, M09_05_1, M09_05_3, | M09_10_001, M09_10_01, M09_10_1, M09_10_3, | M10_02_001, M10_02_01, M10_02_1, M10_02_3, | M10_03_001, M10_03_01, M10_03_1, M10_03_3, | M10_05_001, M10_05_01, M10_05_1, M10_05_3, | M10_10_001, M10_10_01, M10_10_1, M10_10_3, | M11_05_001, M11_05_01, M11_05_1, M11_05_3 n : real number [default : 2.2e-03] The average number of type Ia supernovae produced per unit stellar mass formed :math:`N_\text{Ia}/M_\star` in :math:`M_\odot^{-1}`. .. note:: The default value for this parameter is adopted from Maoz & Mannucci (2012) [5]_. Returns ------- y : real number The delay-time distribution integrated yield. This quantity represents the mass of some element produced over all SN Ia associated with a given stellar population in units of that stellar population's mass. This quantity is thus unitless (:math:`M_\odot` per :math:`M_\odot`). .. note:: Unlike vice.yields.ccsne.fractional, there is no associated numerical error with this function, because the solution is analytic. Raises ------ * ValueError - The element is not built into VICE. - The study is not built into VICE. - n < 0 * LookupError - The model is not recognized for the given study. * IOError [Occurs only if VICE's file structure has been modified] - The parameters passed to this function are allowed but the data file is not found. Notes ----- This function evaluates the solution to the following equation: .. math:: y_x^\text{Ia} = \left(\frac{N_\text{Ia}}{M_\star}\right)M_x where :math:`M_x` is the value returned by vice.yields.sneia.single, and :math:`N_\text{Ia}/M_\star` is specified by the parameter ``n``. The data stored in this module are reported for each corresponding study *as published*. The Seitenzahl et al. (2013) and Gronow et al. (2021a, b) models reported mass yields after complete decay of all radioactive nuclides with half-lives less than 2 Gyr, and the Iwamoto et al. (1999) study fully decayed *all* unstable isotopes; any additional treatment for radioactive isotopes is thus unnecessary. The Gronow et al. (2021a, b) models are named for the mass of the carbon-oxygen core, the mass of the helium shell, and the metallicity of the progenitor relative to solar, in that order. For example, the "M09_05_01" model refers to one with a 0.9 :math:`M_\odot` carbon-oxygen core and a 0.05 :math:`M_\odot` helium shell produced by a star that was initially at a metallicity of 0.1 :math:`Z_\odot`. Example Code ------------ >>> import vice >>> vice.yields.sneia.fractional("fe") 0.0025825957080000002 >>> vice.yields.sneia.fractional("fe", study = "iwamoto99", model = "W70") 0.001705352 >>> vice.yields.sneia.fractional("fe", study = "iwamoto99", model = "CDD1") 0.0014255185999999997 >>> vice.yields.sneia.fractional("ni", model = "n100l") 8.610998000011574e-05 >>> vice.yields.sneia.fractional("ni", model = "N150") 0.00016497607368 >>> vice.yields.sneia.fractional("co", study = "gronow21", model = "M10_10_1") 2.3276e-06 >>> vice.yields.sneia.fractional("co", study = "gronow21", model = "M09_05_001") 3.4584000000000003e-07 .. seealso:: - vice.yields.sneia.single - vice.yields.sneia.gronow21 - vice.yields.sneia.iwamoto99 - vice.yields.sneia.seitenzahl13 .. [1] Seitenzahl et al. (2013), MNRAS, 429, 1156 .. [2] Iwamoto et al. (1999), ApJ, 124, 439 .. [3] Gronow et al. (2021a), A&A, 649, 155 .. [4] Gronow et al. (2021b), arxiv:2103.14050 .. [5] Maoz & Mannucci (2012), PASA, 29, 447