vice.yields.sneia.gronow21.set_params ===================================== Update the parameters with which the yields are calculated from the Gronow et al. (2021a, b) [1]_ [2]_ data. **Signature**: vice.yields.sneia.gronow21.set_params(\*\*kwargs) Parameters ---------- kwargs : varying types Keyword arguments to pass to vice.yields.sneia.fractional. Raises ------ * TypeError - Received a keyword argument "study". This will always be "gronow21" when called from this module. Other exceptions are raised by vice.yields.sneia.fractional. .. seealso:: vice.yields.sneia.fractional Notes ----- We provide type Ia supernova yields from the Gronow et al. (2021a, b) studies under the following explosion models presented in their journal publications: - M08_03_001, M08_03_01, M08_03_1, M08_03_3 - M08_05_001, M08_05_01, M08_05_1, M08_05_3 - M08_10_001, M08_10_01, M08_10_1, M08_10_3 - M09_03_001, M09_03_01, M09_03_1, M09_03_3 - M09_05_001, M09_05_01, M09_05_1, M09_05_3 - M09_10_001, M09_10_01, M09_10_1, M09_10_3 - M10_02_001, M10_02_01, M10_02_1, M10_02_3 - M10_03_001, M10_03_01, M10_03_1, M10_03_3 - M10_05_001, M10_05_01, M10_05_1, M10_05_3 - M10_10_001, M10_10_01, M10_10_1, M10_10_3 - M11_05_001, M11_05_01, M11_05_1, M11_05_3 These models are named for the mass of the carbon-oxygen core, the mass of the helium shell, and the metallicity of the progenitor relative to solar, in that order. For example, the "M09_05_01" model refers to one with a 0.9 :math:`M_\odot` carbon-oxygen core and a 0.05 :math:`M_\odot` helium shell produced by a star that was initially at a metallicity of 0.1 :math:`Z_\odot`. Example Code ------------ >>> import vice >>> from vice.yields.sneia import gronow21 >>> vice.yields.sneia.settings['fe'] 0.0017619157670400003 >>> gronow21.set_params(n = 1.5e-3) >>> vice.yields.sneia.settings['fe'] 0.0012013062048000002 >>> gronow21.set_params(n = 1.8e-3, model = "M09_10_001") >>> vice.yields.sneia.settings['fe'] 0.0009757080218934002 >>> gronow21.set_params(model = "M11_05_01") >>> vice.yields.sneia.settings['fe'] 0.0019527508063624003 .. seealso:: - vice.yields.sneia.fractional - vice.yields.sneia.single .. [1] Gronow et al. (2021a), A&A, 649, 155 .. [2] Gronow et al. (2021b), arxiv:2103.14050