
Obtain an instance of the singlezone class given either the path to an output or an output itself.

Signature: vice.singlezone.from_output(arg)

New in version 1.1.0.


argstr or output

The full or relative path to the output directory; the ‘.vice’ extension is not necessary. Alternatively, an output object.



A singlezone object with the same parameters as the one which produced the output.


  • TypeError
    • arg is neither an output object nor a string

  • IOError [Only occurs if the output has been altered]
    • The output is missing files



In versions before 1.1.0, this function had the call signature vice.mirror (now deprecated).


This function serving as the reader, the writer is the vice.core.singlezone._singlezone.c_singlezone.pickle function, implemented in Cython.

Example Code

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import vice
>>> vice.singlezone(name = "example").run(np.linspace(0, 10, 1001))
>>> sz = vice.singlezone.from_output("example")
>>> sz
                name -----------> example
                func -----------> <function _DEFAULT_FUNC_ at 0x10d0c8e18>
                mode -----------> ifr
                verbose --------> False
                elements -------> ('fe', 'sr', 'o')
                IMF ------------> kroupa
                eta ------------> 2.5
                enhancement ----> 1.0
                Zin ------------> 0.0
                recycling ------> continuous
                delay ----------> 0.15
                RIa ------------> plaw
                Mg0 ------------> 6000000000.0
                smoothing ------> 0.0
                tau_ia ---------> 1.5
                tau_star -------> 2.0
                schmidt --------> False
                schmidt_index --> 0.5
                MgSchmidt ------> 6000000000.0
                dt -------------> 0.01
                m_upper --------> 100.0
                m_lower --------> 0.08
                postMS ---------> 0.1
                Z_solar --------> 0.014
                bins -----------> [-3, -2.95, -2.9, ... , 0.9, 0.95, 1]