
Built-in stellar radial migration schema for disk galaxies inspired by hydrodynamical simulations.

New in version 1.2.0.



A stellar migration scheme informed by the h277 simulation, a zoom-in hydrodynamic simulation of a Milky Way like galaxy ran from cosmological initial conditions (a part of the g14 simulation suite, Christensen et al 2012 1). Stellar migrations can migrate according to a handful of assumptions about the time dependence of their orbital radius between birth and the end of the simulation. For discussion, see section 2 of Johnson et al. (2021) 2.


Manages VICE’s supplementary data containing the h277 star particle subsamples. Executes a download upon first creation of a hydrodiskstars object.


Christensen et al. (2012), MNRAS, 425, 3058


Johnson et al. (2021), in prep