Contributing to VICE ==================== VICE is written in a cohesive manner around a core set of objects. That is, VICE's implementation shares one library, with considerable overlap between relevant calculations (e.g. the ``multizone`` object makes use of the ``singlezone`` object, which makes use of the ``dataframe`` objects, and so on). The ``dataframe`` being the exception which is implemented in ``Cython``, the majority of these objects are implemented in C, declared via ``typedef struct`` statements in the file ``vice/src/objects/objects.h``. VICE's entire C library can be found in the directory ``vice/src/``, and the major components of its python implementation in ``vice/core/``. This includes the ``singlezone`` and ``multizone`` objects, the ``dataframe`` and all derived classes, the ``output`` and ``multioutput`` objects, and single stellar population routines in the ``vice/core/ssp/`` subdirectory. The hierarchical file structure of these directories is designed to mirror one another. Separate from the VICE ``core`` is the ``yields`` module, in which all nucleosynthetic yield calculations are implemented, independent of the simulation features. .. note:: The primary author (James W. Johnson) reserves the right to make revisions to all contributed code and associated documentation. Building a New Extension ------------------------ To contribute to VICE, first fork the repository and add any necessary routines in the fork. These changes should reflect the overall design of the package: with all C extensions in ``vice/src/``; deviating from this pattern will cause a broken import following installation of the modified version of the code. Unless the modification is to the ``vice/yields/`` module, the python wrapping of these functions should be in ``vice/core/``. All extensions should be given unit tests, making use of the ``moduletest`` and ``unittest`` objects scripted in the files ``vice/testing/`` and ``vice/testing/``. These objects can be created from functions via ``decorators``. Place ``@unittest`` before a function returning a string describing the dot-notation path to the function and the unit test function itself to obtain a ``unittest`` object. Similarly, place ``@moduletest`` before a function return a string describing the dot-notation path to the module and a list of ``unittest`` and ``moduletest`` objects to obtain a ``moduletest`` object. Finally, link the tests to that of the parent directory's ``moduletest`` object. Documenting Changes ------------------- All docstrings visible to the user after installation should be in the ``numpydocs`` format. This is not required (though recommended) for docstrings not accessible to the user. Any C routines added to the source code should be given comment headers with descriptions of their purpose, any parameters they accept, what they return, and the header files they're declared in. These comment headers should reflect the style of those already present in the C library. Finally, add the new features to the API reference config file at ``docs/src/users_guide/pkgcontents/gen/`` and generate the documentation by running ``make`` in the ``docs/`` directory. Submitting a Contribution ------------------------- To submit your contribution, first conduct the steps outlined above, then please open a `pull request`__, and label it as an *enhancement*. __ pulls_ .. _pulls: