
Type : str [case-insensitive]

Default : “ifr”

The interpretation of the attribute evolution.

  • mode = “ifr”: The value returned from the attribute evolution represents the surface density of gas infall into the interstellar medium in \(M_\odot kpc^{-2} yr^{-1}\).

  • mode = “sfr”: The value returned from the attribute evolution represents the surface density of star formation in \(M_\odot kpc^{-2} yr^{-1}\).

  • mode = “gas”: The value returned from the attribute evolution represents the surface density of the interstellar medium in \(M_\odot kpc^{-2}\).


The attribute evolution will always be expected to accept radius in kpc and time in Gyr as the first and second parameters, respectively. However, infall and star formation histories will be interpreted as having units of \(M_\odot yr^{-1}\) according to convention.


Updating the value of this attribute also updates the corresponding attribute of the J21_sf_law star formation law where it has been assigned the attribute tau_star.

Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> mw = vice.milkyway(name = "example")
>>> mw.mode
>>> mw.mode = "sfr"
>>> mw.mode