.. VICE documentation root file VICE: Versatile Integrator for Chemical Evolution ================================================= Welcome! This is the documentation for **VICE version 1.3.0**. First time users should familiarize themselves with VICE's API by going through our `tutorial`__, which can be launched automatically by running ``python -m vice --tutorial`` from a Unix terminal after :ref:`installing VICE `. Usage instructions for all of the functions and objects that VICE provides can be found in our :ref:`comprehensive API reference `. Details on VICE's implementation and justification thereof can be found in our :ref:`science documentation `. VICE's developers are happy to consult with scientists looking to incorporate it into their research. Email one of our :ref:`contributors ` or `join us on Slack`__ and start collaborating now! __ tutorial_ __ slack_ .. _tutorial: https://github.com/giganano/VICE/blob/main/examples/QuickStartTutorial.ipynb .. _slack: https://join.slack.com/t/vice-astro/shared_invite/zt-tqwa1syp-faiQu0P9oe83cazb0q9tJA .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 install getting_started science_documentation/index api/index developers/index