
Compute either the lifetime or the mass of a dying star according to the mass-lifetime relation of Hurley, Pols & Tout (2000) 1.

Signature: vice.mlr.hpt2000(qty, postMS = 0.1, Z = 0.014, which = “mass”)

New in version 1.3.0.



Either the mass of a star in \(M_\odot\) or the age of a stellar population in Gyr. Interpretion set by the keyword argument which.

postMSfloat [default0.1]

The ratio of a star’s post main sequence lifetime to its main sequence lifetime. Zero to compute the main sequence lifetime alone, or the main sequence turnoff mass when which == "age".

Zfloat [default0.014]

The metallicity by mass of the stellar population.

whichstr [case-insensitive] [default“mass”]

The interpretation of qty: either "mass" or "age" (case-insensitive). If which == "mass", then qty represents a stellar mass in \(M_\odot\) and this function will compute a lifetime in Gyr. Otherwise, qty represents the age of a stellar population and the mass of a star with the specified lifetime will be calculated.



If which == "mass", the lifetime of a star of that mass and metallicity in Gyr according to the Hurley, Pols & Tout (2000) relation. If which == "age", the mass of a star in \(M_\odot\) with the specified lifetime in Gyr.


The Hurley, Pols & Tout (2000) relation quantifies the main sequence lifetime according to (see their section 5.1):

\[t_\text{MS} = \text{max}(\mu, x) t_\text{BGB}\]

where \(t_\text{BGB}\) is the time required for the star to reach the base of the giant branch (BGB), given by:

\[t_\text{BGB} = \frac{ a_1 + a_2 M^4 + a_3 M^{5.5} + M^7 }{ a_4 M^2 + a_5 M^7 }\]

where \(M\) is the mass of the star in solar masses and the coefficients \(a_n\) depend on metallicity in a manner described in their Appendix A. The quantities \(\mu\) and \(x\) are given by

\[\mu = \text{max}\left(0.5, 1.0 - 0.01\text{max}\left( \frac{a_6}{M^{a_7}}, a_8 + \frac{a_9}{M^{a_{10}}}\right)\right)\]


\[x = \text{max}(0.95, \text{min}(0.95 - 0.03(\zeta + 0.30103), 0.99))\]

where \(\zeta\) is calculated from the metallicity by mass \(Z\) according to \(\zeta = \log_{10}(Z / 0.02)\).

VICE stores the necessary data with which to compute the coefficients \(a_n\) as internal data. Although this form takes into account the metallicity dependence of stellar lifetimes, this formalism quantifies only the main sequence lifetimes, with the parameter postMS quantifying the length of the post main sequence lifetime.

In calculating stellar masses from ages (i.e. when which == "age"), the equation must be solved numerically. For this, VICE makes use of the bisection root-finding algorithm described in chapter 9 of Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling & Flannery (2007) 2.

Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> vice.mlr.hpt2000(1) # the lifetime of the sun
>>> vice.mlr.hpt2000(1, postMS = 0) # main sequence lifetime only
>>> vice.mlr.hpt2000(1, Z = 0.007) # at half solar metallicity
>>> vice.mlr.hpt2000(1, postMS = 0, Z = 0.007)
>>> vice.mlr.hpt2000(1, which = "age") # what mass lives 1 Gyr?
>>> vice.mlr.hpt2000(2, which = "age") # 2 Gyr
>>> vice.mlr.hpt2000(2, postMS = 0, which = "age") # MS turnoff mass
>>> vice.mlr.hpt2000(3)
>>> vice.mlr.hpt2000(3, which = "age")
>>> vice.mlr.hpt2000(3, postMS = 0, which = "age")

Hurley, Pols & Tout (2000), MNRAS, 315, 543


Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling & Flannery (2007), Numerical Recipes, Cambridge University Press