
The VICE dataframe: derived class (inherits from elemental_settings)

Stores simulation parameters on an element-by-element basis which may or may not vary with time.

Allowed Data Types

  • Keys
    • str [case-insensitive]elemental symbols

      The symbols of the elements as they appear on the periodic table.

  • Values
    • real number

      A constant which does not vary with time.

    • <function>

      Must accept time in Gyr as the only parameter, and return the value of this parameter at that time for a given element.


  • str [case-insensitive]elemental symbols

    The symbols of the elements as they appear on the periodic table.


  • keys

  • todict

Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> example = vice.singlezone(name = "example", Zin = {})
>>> example.Zin['o'] = 0.002
>>> example.Zin['fe'] = lambda t: 0.001 * (t / 3)

Signature: vice.core.dataframe.evolutionary_settings(frame, name)


Users should avoid creating new instances of derived classes of the VICE dataframe and instead use the base class. Instances of this class are created automatically.



A dictionary from which to construct the dataframe.


String denoting a description of the values stored in this dataframe.