Package Contents

VICE: Versatile Integrator for Chemical Evolution

  • 77 elements on the periodic table

  • Fast integration of one-zone models

  • Enrichment from single stellar populations

  • Highly flexible nucleosynthetic yield calculations

  • User-defined mathematical forms describing:
    • Nucleosynthetic yields in simulations

    • Mixing processes in multi-zone models

    • Infall and star formation histories

    • The stellar initial mass function

    • The star formation law

    • Element-by-element infall metallicities

    • Type Ia supernova delay-time distributions

How to Access the Documentation:

Documentation is available in several forms:

  1. Online:

  2. In PDF format, available for download at the same address

  3. In the docstrings embedded within the software

Running vice --docs from the terminal will open the online documentation in the default web browser.

First time users should go through VICE’s QuickStartTutorial jupyter notebook, available under examples/ in the git repository. This can be launched from the command line by running vice --tutorial. Other example scripts can be found there as well.



Simulate a single-zone galactic chemical evolution model


Simulate a multi-zone galactic chemical evolution model


A multizone object optimized for modeling the Milky Way.


Read and store output from singlezone simulations.


Read and store output from multizone simulations.


Utilities for mixing prescriptions in multizone simulations.


Simulate enrichment from a single conatal star cluster


Calculate the cumulative return fraction of a star cluster of known age


Calculate the main sequence mass fraction of a star cluster of known age


Built-in funcitonal forms of popular stellar initial mass functions.


Built-in popular function forms of the stellar mass-lifetime relationship. Also stores which form to adopt in chemical evolution models.


Calculate, access, and declare nucleosynthetic yield settings for use in simulations.


Access, and declare nucleosynthetic yield settings for use in simulations. Access other relevant information for each element such as the solar abundance or atomic number.


A dictionary-like object with case-insensitive lookup and data storage.


Reads in time-evolution of interstellar medium from singlezone simulation.


Reads in stellar metallicity distribution from singlezone simulation.


Read in stellar population abundances from a multizone simulation output.


Generally useful utilities.

Built-In Dataframes

  • atomic_number : The atomic number of each element

  • primordial : The abundance of each element following big bang nucleosynthesis.

  • solar_z : The abundance of each element in the sun.

  • sources : The primary astrophysical production channels of each element.

  • stable_isotopes : Lists of each elements’ stable isotopes.


  • VisibleDeprecationWarning : A DeprecationWarning that is visible by default.

  • VisibleRuntimeWarning : A RuntimeWarning that is visible by default.

  • ScienceWarning : A Warning concerning scientific accuracy and precision.

  • test : Runs VICE’s unit tests.

  • version : VICE’s version breakdown.

  • __version__ : The version string.