
The VICE dataframe: derived class (inherits from noncustomizable)

Stores nucleosynthetic yield settings that were used in simulation. This is only a saved copy and is not modifiable by the user.

See also

  • vice.core.dataframe.yield_settings

  • vice.yields.ccsne.settings

  • vice.yields.sneia.settings

  • vice.yields.agb.settings

Allowed Data Types

  • Keys
    • str [case-insensitive]elemental symbol

      The symbol of a chemical element as it appears on the periodic table.

  • Values
    • real number

      A constant yield which does not vary with stellar mass or metallicity.

    • <function>

      A function of either one or two variables, depending on the enrichment channel. Core collapse and type Ia supernova yields will be function of metallicity, while asymptotic giant branch star yields will be functions of stellar mass and metallicity.

    • str

      Keywords denoting a built-in table of yields sampled on a grid of stellar masses and metallicities. Only allowed for asymptotic giant branch star yields.


  • str [case-insensitive]elemental symbol

    The symbol of a chemical element as it appears on the periodic table.


  • keys

  • todict

Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> example = vice.output("example")
>>> example.agb_yields
                fe -------------> cristallo11
                o --------------> cristallo11
                sr -------------> cristallo11
>>> example.ccsne_yields
                fe -------------> 0.000246
                o --------------> 0.00564
                sr -------------> 1.34e-08

Signature: vice.core.dataframe.saved_yields(frame, name)


Users should avoid creating new instances of derived classes of the VICE dataframe and instead use the base class. Instances of this class are created automatically by the output object.



A dictionary from which to construct the dataframe.


String denoting a description of the values stored in this dataframe.