
Type : str [case-insensitive]

Default : “ifr”

The interpretation of the attribute func.

  • mode = “ifr” : The value returned from the attribute func represents the rate of gas infall into the interstellar medium in \(M_\odot\ yr^{-1}\).

  • mode = “sfr” : The value returned from the attribute func represents the star formation rate of the galaxy in \(M_\odot\ yr^{-1}\).

  • mode = “gas” : The value returned from the attribute func represents the mass of the ISM gas in \(M_\odot\).


The attribute func will always be expected to accept time in Gyr as the only parameter. However, infall and star formation rates will be interpreted as having units of \(M_\odot\ yr^{-1}\) according to convention.

See also


Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> sz = vice.singlezone(name = "example")
>>> sz.mode = "sfr"
>>> sz.mode = "gas"