
The VICE dataframe: derived class (inherits from elemental_settings)

Stores the current nucleosynthetic yield settings for different enrichment channels.


Modifying yield settings through these dataframes is equivalent to going through the vice.elements module.

Allowed Data Types

  • Keys
    • str [case-insensitive]elemental symbols

      The symbols of the elements as they appear on the periodic table.

  • Values
    • real number : denote a constant, metallicity-independent yield.

    • <function>Mathematical function describing the yield.

      Must accept the metallicity by mass \(Z\) as the only parameter.


      Functions of metallicity for yields of delayed enrichment channels (e.g. type Ia supernovae) can significantly increase the required integration time in simulations, especially for fine timestepping.


  • str [case-insensitive]elemental symbols

    Must be indexed by the symbol of an element recognized by VICE as it appears on the periodic table.


  • keys

  • todict

  • restore_defaults

  • factory_settings

  • save_defaults

Built-In Instances

  • vice.yields.ccsne.settings

    The user’s current nucleosynthetic yield settings for core collapse supernovae.

  • vice.yields.sneia.settings

    The user’s current nucleosynthetic yield settings for type Ia supernovae.

Example Code

>>> from vice.yields.ccsne import settings as example
>>> example["fe"] = 0.001
>>> example["FE"] = 0.0012
>>> def f(z):
        return 0.005 + 0.002 * (z / 0.014)
>>> example["Fe"] = f

Signature: vice.core.dataframe.yield_settings(frame, name, allow_funcs, config_field)


Users should avoid creating new instances of derived classes of the VICE dataframe.



A dictionary from which to construct the dataframe.


String denoting a description of the values stored in this dataframe.


If True, functional attributes will be allowed.


The name of the “.config” file that is stored in VICE’s install directory whenever the user saved new default yield settings.