
An object designed to run simulations of chemical enrichment under the multi-zone approximation for user-specified parameters. At its core, this is an array of singlezone objects.

Signature: vice.multizone(name = “multizonemodel”, n_zones = 10, n_stars = 1, simple = False, verbose = False)

New in version 1.2.0.


namestr [default“multizonemodel”]

The attribute name, initialized via keyword argument. See below.

n_zonesint [default10]

The attribute n_zones, initialized via keyword argument. See below.

n_starsint [default1]

The attribute n_stars, initialized via keyword argument. See below.

simplebool [defaultFalse]

The attribute simple, initialized via keyword argument. See below.

verbosebool [defaultFalse]

The attribute verbose, initialized via keyword argument. See below.


namestr [default“multizonemodel”]

The name of the simulation. Output will be stored in a directory under this name with a “.vice” extension.

zoneszone_array [defaultalways singlezone objects]

An array-like object of singlezone objects, detailing the evolutionary parameters of each zone.

migrationmigration.specs [defaultno migration]

The migration specifications for both gas and stars.

n_zonesint [default10]

The number of zones in the model.


This cannot be changed after creation of the object.


If this is equal to 1, VICE will construct a singlezone object rather than a multizone object.


See below on your system’s maximum number of open file descriptors.

n_starsint [default1]

The number of star particles forming in each zone at each timestep.

simplebool [defaultFalse]

If True, each individual zone will be simulated as a one-zone model, ignoring all migration prescriptions.

verbosebool [defaultFalse]

Whether or not to print to the console as the simulation runs.



Run the simulation


Obtain a multizone object with the parameters of one that produced an output.


VICE uses a forward Euler approach to handle its timestepping. Although this isn’t the highest numerical resolution timestepping method, the dominant source of error in VICE is not in the numerics but in the approximations built into the model itself. Solutions in which the numerical error is adequately small can be achieved with reasonable timestep sizes. Furthermore, the forward Euler approach allows VICE to treat the discretization of timesteps to correspond directly to a discretization of stellar populations, simplifying its implementation and allowing fast numerical solutions. The exact timestamps at which functions of time describing evolutionary parameters will be evaluated is also a simple calculation as a result, since they will all be integer multiples of the timestep size. For further details, see VICE’s science documentation:

Maximum Number of Open File Descriptors
All operating systems by default limit the number of open file descriptors per process, though with administrator’s privileges this number can be temporarily raised. For each simulation, VICE must open two files per zone, plus one to write the star particle information to. Simulations with a particularly high number of zones will therefore require a relatively high number of files to be opened. The system-enforced maximum number of open file descriptors can be accessed by running ulimit -n in a Unix terminal. Users should be careful to ensure that this number is higher than what is required for a given simulation at runtime. Users on machines for which they don’t have administrator’s privileges should speak with their administrator about raising their limit if their models require more zones than their current settings will allow.

Computational Overhead
The number of zone indeces that VICE must keep track of scales with the product of the number of timesteps, number of zones, and the attribute nstars. The computational overhead can, in theory, be arbitarily large as long as the system has the required space. This is in addition to the abundance information at all timesteps required for calculating metallicity-dependent yields and recycling rates from previous stellar populations. In practice, the milkyway object (a built-in subclass of this one) using 200 zones, 1,321 timesteps, and 8 stellar populations per zone per timestep with two elements can require up to ~2 GB of RAM at any given moment, processing nearly 30 GB worth of data in total with otherwise default parameters. These models can take up to ~5 hours to fully integrate on a single CPU. For comparison, the same model with 1 stellar population per zone per timestep and 256 timesteps, but still 200 zones, requires up to ~800 MB of RAM and requires only ~2.5 minutes to fully integrate over ~8.5 GB of data. Using 40 zones instead of 200 then requires ~250 MB of RAM and fully integrates inover ~7 GB of total data in ~11 seconds.

Relationship to ``vice.singlezone``
This object makes use of composition. At its core, it is simply an array of singlezone objects, which the user may manipulate like all other singlezone objects.

Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> mz = vice.multizone(n_zones = 3)
>>> mz
                name -----------> multizonemodel
                n_zones --------> 3
                n_stars --------> 1
                verbose --------> False
                simple ---------> False
                zones ----------> ['zone0', 'zone1', 'zone2']
                migration ------> Stars: <function _DEFAULT_STELLAR_MIGRATION_ at 0x10e2150e0>
                                                  ISM:     MigrationMatrix{
                0 ---------> {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}
                1 ---------> {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}
                2 ---------> {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}