
Type : zone_array

Default : n_zones singlezone objects with default parameters.

A 1-dimensional array-like object which forces all elements to be instances of the singlezone class. The attributes of each zone can be manipulated in exactly the same way as other singlezone objects.


The output associated with each zone will be stored inside the output directory from this class. For example, for a multizone object whose name is “multizonemodel” with a zone named “onezonemodel”, the output will be stored at the path multizonemodel.vice/onezonemodel.vice.

See also


Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> mz = vice.multizone(name = "example")
>>> mz.zones[0]
                name -----------> zone0
                func -----------> <function _DEFAULT_FUNC_ at 0x10f896290>
                mode -----------> ifr
                verbose --------> False
                elements -------> ('fe', 'sr', 'o')
                IMF ------------> kroupa
                eta ------------> 2.5
                enhancement ----> 1.0
                entrainment ----> <entrainment settings>
                Zin ------------> 0.0
                recycling ------> continuous
                delay ----------> 0.15
                RIa ------------> plaw
                Mg0 ------------> 6000000000.0
                smoothing ------> 0.0
                tau_ia ---------> 1.5
                tau_star -------> 2.0
                schmidt --------> False
                schmidt_index --> 0.5
                MgSchmidt ------> 6000000000.0
                dt -------------> 0.01
                m_upper --------> 100.0
                m_lower --------> 0.08
                postMS ---------> 0.1
                Z_solar --------> 0.014
                bins -----------> [-3, -2.95, -2.9, ... , 0.9, 0.95, 1]