Type : str

Default : “multizonemodel”

The name of the simulation. The output will be stored in a directory under this name with the extension “.vice”. This can also be of the form ./path/to/directory/name and the output will be stored there.


Users need not interact with any of the output files. The multioutput object is designed to read in all of the results automatically.


By forcing a “.vice” extension on the output directory, users can run <command> \*.vice in a terminal to run commands over all VICE outputs in a given directory.


The outputs of this class contain the output from each individual zone in their respective “.vice” directories as well as the abundances, age information, and initial and final zone numbers of all star particles in an ascii file named “tracers.out”. Like the “history.out” and “mdf.out” files associated with the singlezone object, this allows this information to be analyzed in languages other than python with ease.

See also

Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> mz = vice.multizone(name = "example")
>>> = "another_name"