
Type : <function>

Default : vice._globals._DEFAULT_STELLAR_MIGRATION_


The default migration setting does not move stars between zones at all.

The stellar migration prescription.

This function must accept at int followed by two real numbers as parameters, in that order. These are interpreted as the zone number in which a star particle forms in a multizone simulation, the time at which it forms in Gyr, and the time in the simulation in Gyr.

This function must return an int describing the zone number of the star particle at times following its formation.


The third parameter returned by this function is interpreted as the time since the start of the simulation, NOT the age of the star particle in question.

This function will never be called with a third parameter that is smaller than the second parameter. These are times at which star particles have not formed yet.


If users wish to write extra data for star particles to an output file, they should set up this attribute as an instance of a class. If this class has an attribute write, VICE will switch it’s value to True when setting up star particles for simulation. The lines which write to the output file can then be wrapped in an if self.write statement.


If a multizone simulation will form multiple star particles per zone per timestep, they can be assigned different zone occupation histories by allowing the function of initial zone number and formation time to take a keyword argument n. VICE will then call this function with n = 0, n = 1, n = 2, and so on up to n = n_stars - 1, where n_stars is the number of star particles per zone per timestep.

Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> example = vice.migration.specs(3)
>>> def f(zone, tform, time):
        # swap stars between zones 0 and 1 when they're >1 Gyr old
        if zone == 0:
                if time - tform > 1:
                        return 1
                        return 0
        elif zone == 1:
                if time - tform > 1:
                        return 0
                        return 1
                return zone
>>> example.stars = f