
Type : float

Default : 2.0e+07

The larger of the two surface densities of gas at which there is a break in the \(\dot{\Sigma}_\star - \Sigma_\text{gas}\) relation. Below this value, the relation scales as a power-law with index set by the attribute index2, and above it, it is assumed to be linear. Assumes units of \(M_\odot kpc^{-2}\).


The value of this attribute should be larger than that of the attribute Sigma_g1, the smaller of the two surface densities of gas. Default values are chosen based on the aggregate data from Bigiel et al. (2010) [1] and Leroy et al. (2013) [2] presented in Krumholz et al (2018) [3].

Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> mw = vice.milkyway(name = "example")
>>> mw.zones[0].tau_star.Sigma_g2
>>> for i in range(mw.n_zones):
>>>     mw.zones[i].tau_star.Sigma_g2 = 1.5e+07
>>> mw.zones[0].tau_star.Sigma_g2