
Lookup the mass yield of a given element from a single instance of a type Ia supernova (SN Ia) as determined by a specified study and explosion model.

Signature: vice.yields.sneia.single(element, study = “seitenzahl13”, model = “N1”)


elementstr [case-insensitive]

The symbol of the element to look up the yield for.

studystr [case-insensitive] [default“seitenzahl13”]

A keyword denoting which study to adopt the yield from

Keywords and their Associated Studies:

  • “seitenzahl13” : Seitenzahl et al. (2013) [1]

  • “iwamoto99” : Iwamoto et al. (1999) [2]

  • “gronow21” : Gronow et al. (2021a, b) [3] [4]

modelstr [case-insensitive] [defaultN1]

A keyword denoting the explosion model from the associated study to adopt.

Keywords and their Associated Models:

  • “seitenzahl13”N1, N3, N5, N10, N20, N40, N100H, N100,

    N100L, N150, N200, N300C, N1600, N1600C, N100_Z0.5, N100_Z0.1, N100_Z0.01

  • “iwamoto99” : W7, W70, WDD1, WDD2, WDD3, CDD1, CDD2

  • “gronow21” : M08_03_001, M08_03_01, M08_03_1, M08_03_3,
    M08_05_001, M08_05_01, M08_05_1, M08_05_3,
    M08_10_001, M08_10_01, M08_10_1, M08_10_3,
    M09_03_001, M09_03_01, M09_03_1, M09_03_3,
    M09_05_001, M09_05_01, M09_05_1, M09_05_3,
    M09_10_001, M09_10_01, M09_10_1, M09_10_3,
    M10_02_001, M10_02_01, M10_02_1, M10_02_3,
    M10_03_001, M10_03_01, M10_03_1, M10_03_3,
    M10_05_001, M10_05_01, M10_05_1, M10_05_3,
    M10_10_001, M10_10_01, M10_10_1, M10_10_3,
    M11_05_001, M11_05_01, M11_05_1, M11_05_3


yreal number

The mass yield of the given element in \(M_\odot\) under the specified explosion model as reported by the nucleosynthesis study.


  • ValueError
    • The element is not built into VICE

    • The study is not built into VICE

  • LookupError
    • The study is recognized, but the model is not recognized for that particular study.

  • IOError [Occurs only if VICE’s file structure has been modified]
    • The data file is not found.


The data stored in this module are reported for each corresponding study as published. The Seitenzahl et al. (2013) and Gronow et al. (2021a, b) models reported mass yields after complete decay of all radioactive nuclides with half-lives less than 2 Gyr, and the Iwamoto et al. (1999) study fully decayed all unstable isotopes; any additional treatment for radioactive isotopes is thus unnecessary.

The Gronow et al. (2021a, b) models are named for the mass of the carbon-oxygen core, the mass of the helium shell, and the metallicity of the progenitor relative to solar, in that order. For example, the “M09_05_01” model refers to one with a 0.9 \(M_\odot\) carbon-oxygen core and a 0.05 \(M_\odot\) helium shell produced by a star that was initially at a metallicity of 0.1 \(Z_\odot\).

Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> vice.yields.sneia.single("fe")
>>> vice.yields.sneia.single("fe", study = "iwamoto99", model = "W70")
>>> vice.yields.sneia.single("fe", study = "iwamoto99", model = "CDD1")
>>> vice.yields.sneia.single("ni", model = "n100l")
>>> vice.yields.sneia.single("ni", model = "N150")
>>> vice.yields.sneia.single("co", study = "gronow21", model = "M10_10_1")
>>> vice.yields.sneia.single("co", study = "gronow21", model = "M09_05_001")

See also

  • vice.yields.sneia.fractional

  • vice.yields.sneia.gronow21

  • vice.yields.sneia.iwamoto99

  • vice.yields.sneia.seitenzahl13