
The VICE dataframe: nucleosynthetic sources

Stores the dominant astrophysical enrichment channels of each element. These values are adopted from Johnson (2019) [1]. Stored values are of type list, elements of which are of type str.

  • “BBN”: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

    A statistically significant portion of this element’s present-day abundances was present prior to the onset of star formation in the universe.

  • “CCSNE”: Core Collapse Supernovae

    A statistically significant portion of this element’s present-day abundances is due to massive star explosions.

  • “SNEIA”: Type Ia Supernovae

    A statistically significant portion of this element’s present-day abundances is due to white dwarf explosions.

  • “AGB”: Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

    A statistically significant portion of this element’s present-day abundances is due to synthesis in AGB stars.

  • “NSNS”: Neutron Star Mergers, R-process Nucleosynthesis

    A statistically significant portion of this element’s present-day abundances is due to neutron star mergers, or other astrophysical sites of r-process nucleosynthesis.


  • str [case-insensitive]

    The symbol of a chemical element as it appears on the periodic table.

Item Assignment

This instance of the VICE dataframe does not support item assignment.


  • keys

  • todict

Example Code

>>> import vice
>>> vice.sources['o']
>>> vice.sources['he']
["BBN", "CCSNE", "AGB"]
>>> vice.sources['fe']